Our conducting clinic will be led this year by our Living Legend, Dr. Frank Ticheli. If you are interested in being considered to conduct during this session, please fill out the fields below by JANUARY 15, 2024. All efforts are made to choose conductors that represent a wide range of experiences. Anyone interested is encouraged […]
January Band Stand 2024
Contents: *This issue is accessible by active members only
2024 NYSBDA Symposium Call for Clinicians and Performing Ensembles
The New York State Band Directors Association (NYSBDA) is pleased to announce application procedures for participation in the annual NYSBDA Symposium in Syracuse, New York, from March 1-3, 2024. If you are interested in presenting your own clinic or having your group present a performance clinic, on this topic or any other, please follow these application procedures:
I. Forward a letter of application by Saturday, October 7, 2023 to Jackie Kovacs at fpresidentelect@nysbda.org Or use this google form link: https://forms.gle/KpfaiLBE6nAHrvsH9
Please include the following information in your letter:
Individual Clinic:
1. Your name, home address, phone numbers and email.
2. Your clinic title and brief description.
3. Date and location of last clinic presentation, if applicable.
Ensemble Performance Clinic:
1. Your name, home address, phone numbers and email.
2. Your clinic title and brief description.
3. General information: Name of ensemble, number of players in the performing group, special honors the group has received, copies of recent programs, and any additional information you feel would be helpful in the selection process.
II. Sample Performance requirements for Ensemble Performance Clinic: Please submit two or three representative musical selections in digital format, preferably via web links (e.g. YouTube, SoundCloud, Google Drive, etc.). These may be from any time in the last 2 school years (2021-present).
III. Applicants should be aware of the following:
The selection process is entirely at the discretion of the NYSBDA board. Each accepted individual or organization accepts clinic date & time, as well as length (typically 60 minutes) and format as prescribed by NYSBDA. NOTE: PERFORMING GROUPS MUST PRESENT A PERFORMANCE CLINIC AND NOT JUST A PERFORMANCE.
Each accepted applicant/organization is responsible for procuring their own transportation and meal arrangements. NYSBDA provides one night of hotel accommodation to each presenter (NOT ensembles). All presenters are expected to be members of NAfME or one of its affiliates (e.g. NYSSMA or another state organization) at the time of presentation.
IV. Groups will be notified of acceptance by NYSBDA by October 31, 2023.
2023 Region 1 Workshop
September Bandstand
- Summer Conference Wrap-Up
- 2023 Honor Band Information and Application
- Membership Form
- Summer Conference Wrap-Up
- 2022 Honor Band Information and Application
- Membership Form
2023 Summer Conference Directors Band
NYSBDA Directors Band
NYS Summer Music Conference 2023
Sunday & Monday August 13-14, 2023
Albany Hilton Hotel
40 Lodge Street, Albany, NY 12207
The 2023 NYSBDA Directors Band will be led by Anoa Green, Baltimore School for the Arts. Join us for this amazing, intensive and rewarding experience. Register online using the Google Form below. This will help with instrumentation and organization of music folders.
Please register for the NYS Summer Music Conference as well. This will give you access to reading band sessions and numerous clinics. Check it out at http://www.nyssma.org/
All participants are encouraged to be current NYSBDA members who are registered for the New York State Summer Music Conference.
Sunday, August 13, 2023, 7:00 pm-9:00 pm
Monday, August 14, 2023, 4:00 pm-6:45 pm
Big City Lights- Marie Douglas
Sleep- Eric Whitacre
American Hymnsong Suite- Dwayne S. Milburn
Slava! Political Overture- Bernstein, arr. Clare Grundman
Concert (to include the Directors Band, Chorus and Orchestra)
Monday, August 15, 2023, 8:00 pm
Concert Attire:
All Black
Please register online using our Google Form. 2023 Directors Band Registration
Questions: Contact NYSBDA 3rd VP Jackie Kovacs at vp3@presidentnysbda-org
Bylaw Revisions Spring 2023 Proposal
NYSBDA is in the midst of Bylaw Revisions and the final step in the process is for our general membership to vote on the proposed changes. This linked document outlines the proposed changes in Red. The committee has carefully considered changes to our language that more accurately reflect the goals and mission of our organization. […]
Band Stand May 2023
- From the Podium
- Symposium 2023 Recap
- Summer Conference Preview
- Schedule of Summer Conference
- Hofstra
- NYSBDA Membership Form
The New York State Band Directors Association (NYSBDA) is pleased to announce application
procedures for participation in the New York State Summer Music Conference in Albany, New
York, from August 13-15, 2023. If you are interested in presenting your own clinic or having
your group present a performance clinic, please follow these application procedures:
2023 NYSBDA Symposium Information
2023 Symposium Registration |
2023 Symposium Hotel Registration |
Schedule of Sessions/Abstracts/Program |
Clinicians/Ensembles/Bios/Pictures |
Honor Band Information |