NYSBDA Honor Bands

The NYSBDA Middle and High School Honor Bands will rehearse and perform in person at the annual NYSBDA Symposium in Syracuse, NY. The dates for the 2024 Symposium are March 7-9.

The Honor Band student nomination process will be completely through NYSBDA's Da Capo site, nysbdamemebers.org.  Nominating directors must be active members of NYSBDA.

If you are a teacher who pays their membership by PO, we are working on a system to provide you with access to nominations.  When that system is in place, we will push information out regarding the procedure. Thank you for your patience as we navigate this transition. 

The deadline to submit forms and materials is October 25th. 

Participation fee $375 for Senior High and $275 for Middle School (covers fees, lodging, meals, and digital concert recording)


Middle School Band 

Middle School Information

Commitment Form

Contact: Omar Williams, Omar.K.Williams@gmail.com

High School Band and Jazz Ensemble

Jazz Ensemble Information

Jazz Contact: Austin Day aday@tufsd.org

High School Band Information

Band Contact: Brad Hartman hshonorband@nysbda.org

Jazz Ensemble and High School Band Commitment Form




Conductors (2025)

Erin Cole Steele
Man with a saxophone
Steve Wilson
James Dragovich

Programs (2025)


M.S. Honor Concert Band
  • TBD
H.S. Honor Concert Band
  • TBD
H.S. Honor Jazz Ensemble
  • TBD

Program Subject to change

Rehearsal Schedules (TBD)

    • Middle School Honor Band
    • High School Honor Band
    • High School Honor Jazz Ensemble