NYSBDA Symposium 2021

This has been a year of profound and enduring challenges for so many of us. And yet, we have come up with so many new ways to continue doing what we love with our students. In this spirit, the 40th annual NYSBDA Symposium will take place virtually on March 5-7, 2021 (Friday-Sunday), and it will be FREE to anyone. While this format necessitates several new approaches, many of your favorite Symposium traditions will continue, including our Honor Bands, clinics from our colleagues, and a truly fabulous Keynote speaker. This year’s Symposium will focus especially on issues of equity and inclusion, topics that have become all the more relevant in our new, COVID-altered world.

Friday begins at 4pm with Armand Hall from the ROCmusic Collective and Leah McGray from SUNY Geneseo discussing how to authentically represent diverse cultures and perspectives in our ensembles. Miles DeCastro returns at 5pm to offer an unusually up-close look at some common instrument repairs. After a dinner break, we have the first of two Performance Showcases at 8pm. These will feature one recorded piece each from several different ensembles from around the state. We would like to include groups at every level, size, type, and circumstance, so that we can all show each other how we were able to perform amidst the challenges of the pandemic. So if your band has been able to perform in any way at all, please submit your best piece for consideration. The application is at https://forms.gle/NZ6wgJvHFLQeKUpM7, and is due on February 1. In keeping with tradition, this and the Saturday Performance Showcase will both be followed by a Happy Hour.

Saturday is the most extensive day of the Symposium. At 9am, NYSSMA Manual chair Kathryn Struzik will lead a panel discussion about what to expect from the Virtual Evaluation Festivals coming this spring. At 10am, Frances Flancbaum and Jenna Stango will walk us through their rural music programs and the challenges and successes of bringing them to life. This session will be particularly valuable for those of us in any sort of community who are looking to rebuild our programs after the shock of COVID. Our Middle School Honor Band conductor, Cheldon Williams, will then help us find artistry in our teaching. After lunch, the Honors Jazz Band conductor, Steve Wilson, will join his manager, Laura Hartmann, in discussing how to involve guest artists with band programs at any level. This will be followed by our general membership meeting at 2pm, which is not to be missed!

This year’s keynote speaker is Anthony McGill, principal clarinetist of the New York Philharmonic, and that organization’s first ever African-American principal player. He is also an international soloist and a vocal advocate for justice. He and I will engage in a wide-ranging conversation about race and equity in classical music, his strategies for staying active as a musician during COVID, and more, with time for questions. This will be followed by a discussion with NYSBDA’s Equity and Inclusion Committee, led by committee chair Sarah Wolff.

Saturday evening will focus again on performance. The Honor Band concert at 5pm will feature all three of our usual groups (High School Concert Band, Honors Jazz Band, Middle School Honor Band) in pre-recorded, virtual band performances. These are being rehearsed and assembled starting this month, with help and input from their conductors, the NYSBDA board, and a great many volunteers who are leading virtual sectionals, not to mention the Honor Band students who are adapting their considerable talents to this new format. After a dinner break, we will feature another Performance Showcase, followed again by a Happy Hour.

Sunday will be a day to relax and focus on our physical and mental health through movement. The day will begin at 9:30am with Erin Tapia leading a health and wellness session for band directors that will include discussion, breathing, and stretching. Make sure you dress comfortably! Our final session will feature High School Honor Band conductor Bradley Genevro helping us translate our artistic interpretations of music into movement. As a coda for our newest members, we will end the Symposium with a Young Teachers’ Forum, an extra chance to reflect and connect.

We look forward to seeing you in a glowing Zoom box at the Symposium!

Andy Pease

NYSBDA First Vice President

Aakash Mittal with Saxophone

Composer Spotlight – Aakash Mittal

Link to Full Spotlight Article

Hailed as “A fiery alto saxophonist and prolific composer” by the Star Tribune (Minneapolis), Aakash Mittal is sculpting a dynamic voice that mines the intersection of improvisation, composition, sonified movement, and noise. The colorful dissonances, meditative silences, and angular rhythms that emerge invite the listener to enter a sonic landscape. Mittal’s work explores universal designs while being rooted in both South Asian and American musical traditions. His latest project is a series of nocturnes written for his Awaz Trio that abstract and deconstruct five Hindustani evening and night ragas. 

NYSBDA Pandemic Performance Showcase

Show us what your band is doing to perform in these challenging circumstances. Any and all formats are welcome, from bands at all levels: elementary, middle, high school, collegiate, community, and professional. Concert, marching, and jazz bands are all encouraged to apply, as well as any non-conventional ensembles that you’ve come up with. Submissions will be gathered and presented as part of a Pandemic Performance Showcase during the NYSBDA Virtual Symposium, March 5-7, 2020. Contact NYSBDA 1st VP Andy Pease with any questions – vp1@nysbda.org

DUE February 1, 2021 at 5pm.

Summer Conference 2021 Call for Clinicians and Performing Ensembles


The New York State Band Directors Association (NYSBDA) is pleased to announce application
procedures for participation in the New York State Summer Music Conference in Albany, New
York, from August 15-17, 2021. If you are interested in presenting your own clinic or having
your group present a performance clinic, please follow the application procedures HERE.

Honor Band Application and Deadline Extension to October 30th

Honor Band Applications

The 2021 NYSBDA Honor Bands application process will be completely online. The student application forms are now available. Applications may be submitted, if you have already completed the Teacher Participation Form. If you have not done so already, please submit and email the respective Honor Band Chairperson so your school information can be added to the student application form.

The application deadline is October 30th.

Teacher Participation Forms

Middle School


Contact: Omar Williams mshb@nysbda.org

High School


Band Contact: Jason Rottkamp jasonrottkamp@me.com
Brad Hartmann bradley.s.hartman@gmail.com

Jazz Contact: Austin Day aday@tufsd.org

Student Application Forms
Middle School


High School (Band and Jazz)


Message to our Members

Message to our Members,

Greetings all,

I hope that your school year has begun smoothly. I feel like a brand new teacher, having to learn new technologies, new protocols, new ways to engage and reach my students. It is a challenge but one that I am up for and I am certain you are too.

I wanted to take a moment to remind you that NYSBDA is standing behind you. We realize what our membership and all teachers are going through right now. As I have always said, NYSBDA is here to provide you with the latest and best information to enable you to be the best for your

With that in mind and knowing that we all are planning for the future, we will be hosting our annual Symposium in March in a Virtual format very similar to our Summer Conference. Andy Pease has lined up some great presenters focused around our main theme of diversity. We will also be moving forward virtually with our Honor Bands. Our chairs are currently working on a program that will be rewarding and valuable to those students that are selected. Just remember
to nominate them. Those links are on the website. The executive board’s goal is to offer the Virtual Symposium and Honor Bands with as minimal cost as possible to our membership. We feel that, under the circumstances, we need to work for our membership and ultimately the band
students of our state.

In my over 20 years of involvement in this organization I have never seen an Executive Board that has worked so hard for its members. As we progress into this school year don’t forget that you can use our network of experienced band directors to help you navigate through this unprecedented time. I look forward to hearing from you.

All the best,
Michael Cordaro
President, NYSBDA

NYSBDA Region 1 Virtual Workshop

Hello colleagues in the world of band directing! My name is Richard Goss, Region 1
Representative for the New York State Band Directors’ Association. Along with my full-time
duties as Director of Bands at Lancaster High School, I work with a steering committee of fine
Western NY directors to present an Annual Regional Workshop (9th Annual), supported by our
NYSBDA state organization. Due to the changes brought by the coronavirus pandemic, we have
moved our workshop to a virtual format, and have worked throughout the summer to create
up-to-the-moment and productive sessions to assist you in preparing for new realities
beginning in the fall of 2020.
The entire workshop of nationally recognized educators and Conn-Selmer Clinicians is FREE.

However, to plan appropriately, we will only admit those who have pre-registered for the two-
day workshop. We also attempted to make these sessions both work-friendly and family-
friendly, by placing them in the later afternoon and evening. So please peruse the attached

digital poster/flyer, and then register and join us on August 25th and August 26th

Richard B. Goss
Richard B. Goss
Director of Bands
Lancaster High School (NY)
Region 1 Representative, NYSBDA

Presenters for the 2020 Region 1 NYSBDA Workshop