In an effort to help teachers, students, and families make the decision whether or not to apply for the 2022 NYSBDA Symposium Honor Band, we are sharing our COVID Protocols for the ensembles:
- Students will be housed in double rooms. Every effort will be made to house students from the same school together.
- Covid vaccinations are required unless medically exempt. If medically exempt, a negative covid test within 72 hours is required . (Proof of medical exemption is also required)
- There will be a minimum of three feet between each musician.
- Percussion and rhythm section musicians will be masked at all times. Bell covers will be required for all wind players.
- Masks must be worn by wind players when not playing. Musician masks are acceptable.
- Brass players must provide some form of condensation container (puppy pad, towel, etc.). Brass players will be responsible for the disposal of these containers.
- Masks will be worn at all times when indoors, except when eating.
- If a student is not feeling well, they will be quarantined immediately and evaluated by on-site medical personnel.
- These protocols are subject to change based on CDC and state guidelines.