The New York State Band Directors Association (NYSBDA) is pleased to announce application procedures for participation in the annual NYSBDA Symposium in Syracuse, New York, from March 1-3, 2024. If you are interested in presenting your own clinic or having your group present a performance clinic, on this topic or any other, please follow these application procedures:
I. Forward a letter of application by Saturday, October 7, 2023 to Jackie Kovacs at Or use this google form link:
Please include the following information in your letter:
Individual Clinic:
1. Your name, home address, phone numbers and email.
2. Your clinic title and brief description.
3. Date and location of last clinic presentation, if applicable.
Ensemble Performance Clinic:
1. Your name, home address, phone numbers and email.
2. Your clinic title and brief description.
3. General information: Name of ensemble, number of players in the performing group, special honors the group has received, copies of recent programs, and any additional information you feel would be helpful in the selection process.
II. Sample Performance requirements for Ensemble Performance Clinic: Please submit two or three representative musical selections in digital format, preferably via web links (e.g. YouTube, SoundCloud, Google Drive, etc.). These may be from any time in the last 2 school years (2021-present).
III. Applicants should be aware of the following:
The selection process is entirely at the discretion of the NYSBDA board. Each accepted individual or organization accepts clinic date & time, as well as length (typically 60 minutes) and format as prescribed by NYSBDA. NOTE: PERFORMING GROUPS MUST PRESENT A PERFORMANCE CLINIC AND NOT JUST A PERFORMANCE.
Each accepted applicant/organization is responsible for procuring their own transportation and meal arrangements. NYSBDA provides one night of hotel accommodation to each presenter (NOT ensembles). All presenters are expected to be members of NAfME or one of its affiliates (e.g. NYSSMA or another state organization) at the time of presentation.
IV. Groups will be notified of acceptance by NYSBDA by October 31, 2023.