On Saturday, October 13th, The Crane School of Music’s collegiate chapter of the New York State Band Directors Association (NYSBDA) will be hosting a professional development workshop day free to all NYSBDA members and open to all. Featuring sessions by Dr. Joshua Roach, Dr. James Madeja, Miles DeCastro, and Don Washington.
Band Stand – September 2018
The September 2018 Band Stand is now available to everyone, members and non-members. Thank you to Jeffrey Soper for his continued work as Band Stand Editor.
- NYSBDA 2019 Honor Band Application and Preview
- Membership Renewal Information
- NYSSMC Highlights
NYSBDA at the 2018 Summer Conference
The New York Summer Music Conference 2018 is just around the corner and our new 3rd VP, Dr. Andrew Pease has some great clinicians lined-up for the event. Dr. Gary Hill will be directing the 2018 Directors’ Band. For more information, check out the following links: 2018 NYSSMC NYSBDA Schedule, Clinicians/ Conductors/ Abstracts, Directors Band Signup
Interview with a Legend: Richard Floyd
A new addition to the NYSBDA Interview with a Legend series is now available on our members only page. It features the distinguished conductor and music educator, Richard Floyd in a conversation with Gary Stith. Richard Floyd has been active as a conductor, music educator and administrator since 1962. He has enjoyed a distinguished and […]