Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY | August 13 – 15, 2024
Since NYSSMA announced the hiatus of the New York State Summer Music Conference NYSBDA has been hard at work teaming up with ASTA, Ithaca College, and Conn Selmer to develop an amazing professional development opportunity that combines everything you love about the New York State Summer Conferences of the past (camaraderie, reading ensembles, and director ensembles) with a beautiful setting, an incredible gathering of clinicians, and the full support of the Conn Selmer Institute and Ithaca College.
Join us for an inspiring journey of professional development at CSI Northeast – a unique collaboration between Conn Selmer Institute, Ithaca College Bands and the New York State Band Directors Association (NYSBDA). This transformative event will take place on the picturesque campus of Ithaca College from August 13th to 15th, spanning two and a half enriching days. Empower, educate, and elevate your craft as a music educator, administrator, or college student at this immersive event and foster meaningful connections within the music education community. While we are thrilled to partner with NYSBDA, attendees do not need to be a member of that organization in order to participate in CSI Northeast. All music educators, administrators, and college students are invited to attend CSI Northeast – an event that promises to be like no other.
Be inspired by the wisdom and enthusiasm of Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser, whose keynote address will leave you with a renewed sense of purpose and an unwavering commitment to your students and your craft. Step into the spotlight as you participate in the director’s band, under the expert baton of Dr. Paula Crider and create unforgettable musical memories. Soak in the knowledge offered by an experienced faculty and world-class Conn Selmer Educational Clinicians. Our Conn Selmer clinicians are shown below, and more will be added as they are confirmed. Beyond the classroom, we believe in fostering a sense of community and camaraderie. Join us for evening excursions that promise to be a delightful blend of networking, relaxation, and pure fun. Forge connections that will last a lifetime. Don’t miss out on this exceptional professional development event. Secure your spot today and embark on a journey of growth and inspiration. Join us and experience the magic of CSI Northeast!
Clinician Application Procedure:
The New York State Band Directors Association (NYSBDA) is pleased to announce application
procedures for participation in the Conn Selmer Institute North East in Ithaca, New York, from
August 13-15, 2024. If you are interested in presenting your own clinic or having your group
present a performance clinic, please follow these application procedures:
I. Complete the following: NYSBDA Summer Conference Proposal Form
Or forward a letter of application by February 23, 2024 to Corey Riley at
nysbdavp1@nysbda.org Please include the following information in your letter:
Individual Clinic:
- Your name, home address, phone numbers and email.
- Your clinic title and brief description.
- Date and location of last clinic presentation, if applicable.
Ensemble Performance Clinic: - Your name, home address, phone numbers and email.
- Your clinic title and brief description.
- General information: Name of ensemble, number of players in the performing
group, special honors the group has received, copies of recent programs, and any
additional information you feel would be helpful in the selection process.